Ozone generators

Ozone (O3) is produced in the field of high voltage (10-15 kV, 400-600 Hz) silent electrical („corona“) discharge. Part of oxygen molecules are splitted into two atoms, one oxygen atom recombines with an oxygen molecule forming ozone molecule:

O + O2 = O3

Ozone can be produced from the oxygen of air as well as from the pure oxygen. In the first case a proper drying of air up to the dew point of (-50…-55°C) is required to avoid formation of nitrogen oxides and nitric acid.

Energy consumption for 1 kg of ozone production from air is in the range of 12…13 kWh. When the feed gas is pure oxygen, the energy consumption is almost twice lower: 6-7 kWh per 1 kg of ozone. Ozone generators are produced for a very wide range of capacities, starting with some g/h and ending with several hundreds of kg/h.

Ozone generators WEDECO GSO/GSA & OCS with capacity of 2-400 gO3/h

Ozone generators WEDECO PDA/PDO series with capacity of 15 kgO3/h up to > 200 kgO3/h